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 1. S. Lewis Johnson  31 - Paul and the Apostles of Satan  2 Corinthians 
 2. The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle  Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - Magnification  The Divine Liturgies of Our Holy Fathers John Chrysostom and Basil the Great 
 3. Dn. Jerome Atherholt  06-29 Holy, Glorious, All-Praised Leaders Of The Apostles Peter And Paul  Saint Of The Day 
 4. Dn. Jerome Atherholt  06-29 Holy, Glorious, All-Praised Leaders Of The Apostles Peter And Paul  Saint Of The Day 
 5. Amy Welborn  CS#14: Amy Welborn talks about Pope Benedict XVI's new book The Apostles and her study guide for The Apostles  Catholic Spotlight from www.CatholicCompany.com 
 6. Andrew Deane  The 12 Apostles  !gnite 
 7. Atherholt, Jerome  06 30 synaxix apostles  Saint of the Day Podcast 
 8. James E Talmage  Further Instruction to the Apostles  Jesus The Christ 
 9. Chad Irving  Q and A-- Apostles, planting, and giving  Simple Church for Simple People 
 10. Michael Angelo Christopher  Mix 84 22 apostles & their house CREED  Mix 84 
 11. Steve Whitney  Sharing the Gospel the Apostles' Way  Grace in the West 
 12. Father Peter Bowes  Jesus Appears to the Apostles  Readings 
 13. JB Bond  The Acts of the Apostles, Part 37  The Acts of the Apostles 
 14. Father Peter Bowes  Jesus Appears to the Apostles  Readings 
 15. Steve Whitney  Sharing the Gospel the Apostles' Way  Grace in the West 
 16. JB Bond  The Acts of the Apostles, Part 49  The Acts of the Apostles 
 17. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 6/6   
 18. Fr. Richard Wall  Mary Magdalene: The Apostle to the Apostles  St Clement's Church 
 19. Father Peter Bowes  Jesus appears to apostles with Thomas  Readings 
 20. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 3/6   
 21. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 2/6   
 22. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 3/6   
 23. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 2/6   
 24. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 1/6   
 25. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 5/6   
 26. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 4/6   
 27. David Bernard  Doctrine of the Church 5: Apostles and Prophets   
 28. Call of Hope  Arabic: The Acts of the Apostles - Part 1/6   
 29. Friends of the Red Army Faction  Fucking Queer (Apostles Cover)  Fuck Yr Violence, Fuck Yr Hate! Fuck the System, Smash the State! 
 30. Friends of the Red Army Faction  Fucking Queer (Apostles Cover)  Bonus Tracks 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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